4.6.22 CSA General Meeting Minutes
- Dr. Padberg Updates
–Reminder to register your kindergarteners. Important because it impacts staffing. This year we had 4 classes but technically, by the time registration was over at the end of July, it could have been 5 classes. But there is a district cut-off for staffing. It’s the difference between 21 students and 16 students in each class.
–New LEF grant awarded to Conway: Idea Lab and gifted program teacher Mrs. Lombardo was just awarded an LEF grant for roughly $30k, to be divided between each of the elementary schools. (Conway will get roughly $8k). Monies will go towards purchasing new robotics equipment. This equipment will also be accessible to enrichment classes and after-school programs, so not just gifted program. It’s the third LEF grant Conway received this year.
–Staff Appreciation Week: This is typically the first week in May, but that is during MAP testing then this year. So staff appreciation week will now be the second week in May. Stephanie Margolis and Alice Marie handling decorations and food. Looking at catering a meal for May 12th.
–Mile run is May 9th and will be at the high school track again. (It will also be the kick-off for the Walk-a-Thon.) Parents will no longer be able to park at the high school; they will need to park at Conway and walk. Teachers to include this item in their newsletters.
–Ground-Breaking Ceremony for new gymnasium: May 26th from 11:30am to 12:30pm. All parents are invited to attend. Will be about 40 dignitaries from the central office, board of education, construction company, etc. Fourth graders will be performing a song and all students will be singing a song lead by Ms. Dalbey. In the event of rain, the ceremony will be in the gym. Prior to the event, all students will have a picnic lunch (they will be asked to bring a towel. They can either bring a lunch or get a sack lunch at school.) Parent parking will be limited to the blacktop. New gym will be roughly three times the size of current gym. Footprint will back up to the black top, sit over the existing red top, and border the playground.
–Blue block storage: Will use them for indoors only. Teachers can coordinate among themselves as to who can use them and when. Maru has ok’d the purchase of a new container once measurements are taken. Will also contact the company to let them know that storage is insufficient.
–Bonus recess item purchased by CSA: Funnel ball was purchased and will arrive in June.
- Co-President Updates (Cristina Tash and Pamela Audi)
–LEF fundraising event on Friday, April 22nd at Majorette in Maplewood from 7pm to 11pm. $150/ticket (a portion of which is tax deductible). Includes dinner, open bar, band for dancing. All money goes to support LEF.
–Field Day: Idea to put classes into two teams with two different T-shirts that will be given out at Walk-a-Thon. PE teachers to create the stations and parent volunteers will run them. Mintzer and Smith classes are moving to morning slot (not reflected on handout).
–Year-End Carnival: inflatables vendors have been secured. Will be the last day of school.
- Secretary Updates (Rachel Holtzman)
–Call for newsletter items:
Save the dates: Link to calendar on MTK (but point out what they are–field trips, spring sing, etc).
Spotlight on Carnival: tickets are free for Conway families and staff (and their families); thank you Walk-a-Thon! 5pm to 8pm. Food and drink for purchase. DJ, Laduettes, inflatables, games.
Reminder to register for kindergarten
Announcement of LEF grant
Walk-a-Thon: 20-minute slot for each class, walk the laps, get to clock their laps with bracelets. Tallied them for each class/team. Everyone received a T-shirt. Kids had a donation page to share with parents, grandparents, etc. Opportunity to raise money for the school (almost $20k last year, which we used to purchase new recess items, eg blue blocks, funnel ball, gaga pit; in addition to End-of-Year Carnival).
--Separate flyers will go out for these events once it gets closer.
Upcoming Events
- Tuesday, March 4
- Friday, March 7
- Wednesday, March 12
- Thursday, March 13
- Friday, March 14
- Saturday, March 15
- Sunday, March 16
- Monday, March 17