Thursday October 27, 2022
Held via Google Meet
- Welcome (Presidents)
- Dr Padberg Updates
- A big thank you to parent volunteers who contributed food for teachers and staff during Parent-Teacher Conferences and Erin Beale for coordinating.
- Thank you, Beth Prasse, for organizing Halloween Parties via room parents.
- Photos of construction progress coming soon.
- Unsure when an announcement will be made regarding amended school start times (or whether they will be amended)
- VP Updates
- Presidents (Hillary Dutcher + Stephanie Margolis)
- Overall year-to-date summary
- Treasurers (Maru Canon + Liz Lohman)
- Update on fundraising (dues and sponsorships)
- Raised half of our annual budget-oriented fundraising goal in our sponsorships.
- 104 families have contributed their dues, which is about ¼ of Conway families. Numbers are lowest among 4th-grade families. Increasing this number helps reduce the amount of fundraising we need to do.
- Communications VP (Cary Hendrickson)
- MTK updates
- Enrollment went well this year; a majority of families have added their information.
- New Instagram profile - follow us! @ConwaySchoolAssociation
- https://www.instagram.com/conwayschoolassociation/
- Support VP (Alie Marie Henry)
- Thank you to parents for conference meals
- Upcoming Dine Outs (Alice Marie)
- Freddy’s forthcoming in November
- Upcoming Teacher Appreciation sign up
- New sign-up genius will be going out in November for snack bags
- Room Parent Updates (Beth Prasse)
- Halloween parties are Monday (October 31st), parents need to let office know whether they are coming. You do not need to be registered as a volunteer to do this. Please consider carpooling or walking because parking is limited.
- Community VP (Leah Schonert)
- Dad’s Club
- Planning a winter activity for families, potentially a movie night
- Trunk-or-Treat (Cara Kopec)
- Fundraising VP
- Spirit Wear - updated to website
- Trivia Night (Devin Mueller + Stacy Smart)
- Auction will include 29 parent parties and about 20+ items being auctioned. Link will be made available to all parents.
- Dad’s Club is organizing a whiskey pool, which you can participate in in-person
- At 25 complete tables, goal is 30 to 40
Upcoming Events
- Tuesday, March 4
- Friday, March 7
- Wednesday, March 12
- Thursday, March 13
- Friday, March 14
- Saturday, March 15
- Sunday, March 16
- Monday, March 17